Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do I make hair ribbons curly and stay that way?

I am making my daughter hair ribbons and bows and she wants them with crazy curls. How do I get the ribbon to curl and to stay that way over multiple uses?

How do I make hair ribbons curly and stay that way?

There's a product that is commonly available in craft stores called Aleene's Fabric Stiffener. Following the directions on the bottle, you would apply it to the ribbon and then wind it around something round, like a pencil, until it is dry. (It dries clear). The ribbon will hold the curly shape indefinitely, unless it gets wet.

How do I make hair ribbons curly and stay that way?

use scissors and hold the ribbon with one edge of the scissors and run it while holding it together and you will see it curl

How do I make hair ribbons curly and stay that way?

You have to buy the curly ribbon...I made hair bows last year and kept asking people I worked with how to curl the ribbon and no one knew...finally someone told me about the curly ribbon...look for it at your local craft store!

How do I make hair ribbons curly and stay that way?

I'm not positive it will stay...but you can curl them like regular ribbons(for gifts) by using scissors.

How do I make hair ribbons curly and stay that way?

The shape will fall with time and wear. Also, leaning her head on something will make this happen quicker. I'd asy just expect to re curl the ribbon often.

How do I make hair ribbons curly and stay that way?

you could use a scissors and rub the scissor across the ribbon and that will make it curl that way. Or you can just visit your local Walmart fabric department and the sell the curly ribbons all the time or go to the haircare aisle and buy some ribbons i mean come on just spend a lil cash and buy some from the dollar store its not a big drama come up off the cash and buy some at the dollar or 99cent store

How do I make hair ribbons curly and stay that way?

try using a curling iron if that dnt stay use a very very light layer of gel and then curl so it has somthing for it to hold gd luck

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