Should I use the type that go in like a rubber band and try and grab some of the puppies hair (I did this they fell out) I also have some softer bigger ones that are for kids that can go around the whole ear but not sure if that is a no no - it doesnt hurt as they are large enough but not sure if it messes with hearing. All the sites for bows dont specify how to do a cockers hair and shes such a lovely little girl? Any help? Thanks
What kind of bows can you put on a cocker spaniel?
Hmm I own a Cocker Spaniel male dog,but I'll recommend you not to put anything on his ear,trust me it might give him an infection or it might be very irritating for you're dog.Try going to your local Petsbarn,or if you don't have one you can just go to your local pet store for dog accessories.Over there they can help you find you're dog some bows or any other supplies you might need!
What kind of bows can you put on a cocker spaniel?
Instead use a plain ribbon and tie it in the dogs hair. Or get baby bows that clasp with velcro...which isnt too easy to find these days. Most vets here use regular ribbon and just tie bows so that they do not fall out as easily as the elastic ones.
What kind of bows can you put on a cocker spaniel?
I think I speak for a sizeable portion of the Y!A community when I say, "Just what the world needs, another dog with bows in her hair."
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