Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hair tips for toddler???

I have a 13 mo. old and I am terrible at fixing hair. She has quite a bit of hair for her age, I think. But I have never been able to get a bow to stay. And now that her hair is longer I can put it in a ponytail on top of her head. Or pigtails, which is my favorite. I've seen little girls with bows attached to there pigtails. How in the world they do this I don't know. Does anyone know how they get them to stay and look right. Because everytime I try they look so funny. I would like to be able to put a bow in her hair from time to time. Does anyone have a tip on a bow that stays in? And how I could attach them to a ponytail? Any other tips for toddler hair would be awesome. I've never been good with hair, especially my own!

Hair tips for toddler???

I've seen ponytails that have bows already attached. I'm sure you could find them at any drug store.

Hair tips for toddler???

ou need to get quite small hair lackys and just put it up

Hair tips for toddler???

okay first of all i would like to meet one person where they can keep the bows to stay in, you have to always reposition them, so its not you is most people. and they can ponytails that have bows on them so you just put it in like a ponytail and its cute. also spiral curls are adorable i do them on my neice, but she sits still very well for being 2 years old. also braids....adorable.

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