Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

and The Lord's Prayer

are not allowed in most

public schools anymore

Because the word "God" is mentioned....

A kid in Arizona wrote the attached

NEW School prayer: -

Now I sit me down in school

Where praying is against the rule

For this great nation under God

Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites,

It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow

Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,

That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.

Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall

Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,

God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,

And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.

They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.

To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,

And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.

It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,

We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,

Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,

No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,

When chaos reigns the school's a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make:

Should I be shot; My soul please take!


Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

because some of us school kids are Atheists!

like moi

and if that kid wants a friggin prayer so much enroll in a christian school!

If for some strange reason North Carolina puts back school prayer Im going to sue the school board!

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

That is SO adorable in a vapid and inane kind of way.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

There would be too much controversy.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

I don't mind you praying if you don't mind me laughing at you.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

Because religion should not be something imposed to us, but a choice.

Religion should be separated from the government.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

Hey, you can pray to whatever god you want, where ever you want, but you can never force children to pray to your god. NEVER!

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

Public schools are funded by the government. We supposedly have a separation of church and state in the US. If kids want to pray by themselves, or in a group of similar faith, let 'em, but it shouldn't distract other students or be led by the school.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

It turns kids into retards like you.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

There is nothing wrong with praying on your own (that's allowed) it's when everyone is made to pray. Shouldn't it be a choice?

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

The stupidity of praying is against the rules, not because it's stupid, but only because you can leave it home and spare the rest of us.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

Because it's as obnoxious as this post.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

It is a public and not a private school.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

Kids can generally pray to themselves. You simply cannot have official prayers or group prayers.

You know what's really scary? That someone actually believes schools are in the state your quiant little poem describes.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

IMO, that new school prayer is utterly stupid.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

What's wrong with NOT praying while in school?

I don't want my children to grow up religiously indoctrinated. Why should I pay taxes for the school to religiously indoctrinate them?

If we allow the Lord's Prayer, we have to allow every other prayer for every other religion. When are the kids going to learn anything?

Honestly, can't your kids just pray when they get home?

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???


Prayer is not "kept out of public schools". School-sponsored prayers are not allowed and I believe they should not be a part of our schools. We have religious freedom in this country and I would not want another person teaching my family members what prayer is about if they were not of our Belief... Would YOU? I feel that being allowed to carry your Bible, read, study, and obey it's content should be enough. You and I should not have to show off our religious beliefs by having public prayers during the school day. I always bowed my head and prayed several times during the daytime while I was in class. I do not think that has been changed. Have a great week.

Thank You,



Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

School is for learning,silent private prayer is always okay no one will ever take that away.Forcing others to listen is wrong.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

You can pray all you want in public school. What is illegal is teacher's or other school officials condoning or enforcing any specific religion or any religion at all. Public schools are a place for EVERYONE not just Christians and not just other religious folk. A teacher cannot force students to pray or lead a prayer even if it's not forced. Children of every kind need to feel welcomed in public schools not just those who follow one religion or who believe in god.

If you believe in god that's fine. You can pray and discuss god with your friends etc. You just cannot interupt your own or other people's learning with it and you cannot force it on anyone. If you and your friends want to have a private prayer circle before class starts no one can stop ya. Or if you want to pray in your head during morning announcements or something go for it. But you cannot interrupt a class for religion. Public school is a place for learning facts it's not a place to indoctrinate children with the idea of god or religion.

How would you like it if you were FORCED to pray to Allah every day in school? I doubt you would. (I"m sorry if my assumption that you are Christian is wrong. It's just that generally on here posts either come from atheists or Christians.) But the point is you would not want to be forced to participate in another religions rituals that you didn't agree with so why would you want to force that on other people?

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

It DOES offend those with no beliefs. WHY do you not see that? I wouldn't want MY children to pray in school, because I am not christian. You portray us to be intolerant, but it is YOU who need to be more tolerant.

You also portray people of other beliefs to be immoral. I find that disrespectful and I deeply disagree with you.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

You can pray in a public school any time you want.

You just can't force a religion onto everyone by forcing them to pray to Jebus.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

It's like asking about the so called "Ten Commandments." Are you talking about the Catholic Ten Commandments or the Protestant Ten Commandments? They are not the same and mean different things. Or are you making your own up? In schools and public institutions prayers and god/gods/goddesses have to be religiously neutral and everyone wants THEIR god to be acknowledged. If I don't have to listen to your prayer I don't care what you do. It also shows a lack of respect and immaturity.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

no kid in Arizona wrote that. a fundamentalist christian adult wrote it lamenting that things were "better" when they were a kid. And how the general public cowered away from free thinking.

The fact is that ANYONE can pray in schools, but not led by any particular group as a whole school. You can't have the principal leading the school in prayer over the intercom.

That was put there to protect you and your narrow beliefs as well as mine. and our children's.

If I were principal of your or your child's school, and i led a prayer in the mornings it would begin by giving thanks to the sun and moon and go along with thanks to Ganesha (a Hindu god of learning among other things) for open minds and then close with "Blessed Be"

But you want me to expose MY children to YOUR religion without thought or concern for anything but YOU said it was right.....

Does this seem fair to you?

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

I will let you pray if every religion is allowed to practice there too.....

but since its not possible then its better not to have prayer..that all religions be taught and that the child chooses the one that best reflects his ideas...

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

What's so good about it? Prayer in public schools is a waste of both time and taxpayer's money. If you want your children to pray, there are plenty of opportunities at home or in your church. However, please don't expect the government to promote YOUR religion at the taxpayer's expense and call it part of a "good education".

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

when violence happens in our local schools everyone PRAYS and if you don't pray , you will if it happens in your childs school.

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

there is nothing wrong with praying in school. this is the tree hugging liberals out to get everyone who has a different thought than they do. if i was in school and someone who was muslim, brought out a mat and prayed to their god, i would not be offended at all. but please let me pray?

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

Amen we need to put prayer back into schools! Jesus loves you!

Whats so bad about praying in public schools???

The public school system has worked long and hard to convince the children that there is no God, and that science "proves" it.

To allow them to pray would only cause problems at this point because the few stragglers that refuse to give up their faith in the Almighty (the remnant) could cause a problem. Especially if the other kids began to notice.

Hence - no prayer = no God

Remember - as a child, perception is reality

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