New Pledge of Allegiance!
Since the Pledge of Allegiance
and The Lord's Prayer
is not allowed in most public schools anymore
Because the word "God" is mentioned....
A kid in Arizona wrote the attached NEW School prayer.
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
Thanks for sharing...
Thankfully at my kids school they still say the Pledge of Allegiance.
But I think it is so wrong for people to want God removed from everything and everywhere.
What is also wrong is how some people thought they needed to write negative things toward you or saying things that had nothing to do with your question.
Christianity was never mentioned...
Anyway thanks again star for you :)
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
How would Christians feel if their children were expected to say a Muslim or Hindu or pagan prayer in school?
Yeah, exactly.
It. Is not. About. Christianity. it is about equality for EVERYONE.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
girl wonders got it dead on.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
Typical Christian persecution complex.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
People are more than welcome to pray in school anytime they want. They can do it quietly to themselves before a test like I always did.
What is on the table is forcing kids to pray, or stigmatising them for not joining prayers. If your child attends a school in an area with mostly Mormons, or mostly 7th Day Adventists, do you want them trying to convert your kid every day? I think not! (No offense intended to LDSs or 7DAs). That's what will happen if prayer is allowed in school. Everybody wants their own religion practiced in school - that's called persecution!
I also don't believe any child wrote this poem, but a bad-tempered, middle aged man with nothing better to do.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
No "kid in Arizona" wrote that. That's been circulating for years, with a few new stanzas at the end to make it seem modern. There's a similar version hanging on the bulletin board where I work. I don't know where anyone got the idea that the Pledge of Allegiance isn't allowed in public schools anymore, they still say it where I'm from...and the lawsuit to ban the mandatory recital of the Lord's Prayer from public schools was filed in 1961. How old is this "child" poet, anyway?
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
Since when have they stopped allowing the pledge? They should drop "under God" and bring it back the way it was before they added it in the 1950s (under McCarthyism.) Not everyone believes in mythology. How would you like if they said "under Allah" and had daily readings from the Koran? Or "Under the Flying Spaghetti Monster" and read pasta recipes? Some Christians are only happy when they can force their BS down everyone elses throat. Well, we need to keep following the constitution.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
I don't know what school this kid goes to where you can dye your hair and wear crazy piercings, but those are all against the dress code at my PUBLIC school.
And no one is telling kids they can't pray. That's why they have that moment of silence after the pledge (Yes, the pledge of allegiance is still said in schools, even with the "under God" which I choose to leave out when I say it). Hell, they can pray whenever they want as long as it's silent! Prayer in schools just can't be lead by a member of the faculty or create some sort of interruption of a LEARNING environment (i.e. spoken prayer of ANY religion). That promotes exclusion of those who are either a different religion or have no religion, and exclusion goes against what public schooling is about.
Christians, wouldn't you throw a b*tch fit if a Muslim student started performing his daily prayers to Mecca in your child's class, even if they were silent?
Note: Just this year they added "under God" to the TEXAS pledge. Here in Texas, we have to say a pledge to the Texas flag (which I never said because Texas is not a country and I owe my allegiance to United States and not just one state) and it never included any mention of god before. Don't really know why it was necessary to add..
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
that is deep. my high school was EXACTLY like that. and i grad in 02.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
Don't be stupid. In Indiana, school children say the pledge every morning followed by 30 seconds of silence. Stop spreading lies and rumors.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
One nation under the sky
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
Wow! that's pretty much sums up exactly how I feel! My hats off to whoever originally wrote that! Thanks for sharing it.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
How about this one?
I pledge some money
To the f@gs
In the United Church of Hypocrisy.
And to the denial
For which they stand.
One Nation
Under Larry Craig (or Ted Haggert)
With Fear and Oppression for all!
Is that better?
(P.S. - the star is for my answer... the poem you reposted sucks... sorry.)
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
Instead of spreading stupid lies,
It's time you people realize
that each of us can choose his religion
without having the government make the decision.
You can pray wherever you want,
in your school, at restaurants,
at the Wal*Mart down the lane,
the county jail; from Hawaii to Maine.
You just don't seem to understand,
I too have rights, and I won't stand
around while you force every whim
of yours on me, and her, and him.
You would whine to no end
if every school day at 8:10
we had to stand up and say aloud,
"There is no God" with our heads bowed.
So why is it so hard to see
that you're forcing your beliefs on me
when you think everyone in sight
should have to say what you think is right?
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
I want to laugh but it makes me want to cry.
Bright kid.
New pledge of allegiance, as God-related things are not allowed in schools?
How very creative and how sad that God is not allowed in schools any longer.
I remember in elementary school, we said the Lord's Prayer everyday and had a Biblical Reading and not one person nor parent complained.
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