Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

But loads of people are anoying me by saying its a "Spider" or its "emo" and even my boyfreind decided to tye a bow out of a wine gums wrapper. Do i carry on wearing it?

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

If you're really annoyed by what other people are saying, then stop wearing bows. But if you like it, go for it! Who cares what other people think as long as you are happy with it?

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

nah! i think not!! unless you're a poodle that is!! lol!!

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

of course! **** labels.... wear what you want and hold your head high! its just something they probably arent used to

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

Entirely up to you, if you're bothered by the comments then either tell the people responsible that you don't appreciate it, wear it when they're not around or forget the whole idea.

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

well personally i think its only a choice u can make, i wouldnt stop wearing sumthin because of wot other people think, if u like it u should keep on wearing it, im sure ur fella is only messing about and doesnt mean anything by it. people will et bored soon so keep wearing it aslong as u want to. hope that helps goodluck!!

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

if you like it, why not? it's your hair, not theirs, they have no right telling you what you should wear...

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

It's your own personal style. Who cares what people are saying?

People should learn to accept others no matter what they wear. :)

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

there only jealous just ignore it it sounds nice loads of people wear ribbons in their hair ..

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

If you like it, ear it, if you are fussed over not being seen as a 'gothic' then maybe you should take it out.

Why is the label so important to you?

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

Gothics do not usually wear bows in their hair. If you want to look "Gothic" dye your hair black and add a few spikes. At the end of the day though, your style should be your choice. Don't worry too much about what other people think. Few real gothics do. That is why they are so individual.

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?


gothic bows are cool, very gwen stefani/alice in wonderland

if you like it, keep wearinring it. Espeically if it looks as good on you as it does your avater.

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

Its not gothic dear its a bit more like robin hoodic. what did you do with the arrows. and yes why not wear it, it will go well with a green outfit and a pair of green wellies with a frog on the front,

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

if you like it wear it dont worry aboutother people.if i worried about what other people thought about my clothes i wouldnt get out of bed in the morning.

I just started wearing a bow in my hair which is "Gothic"?

YES! I love them bows in people's hair. If you are unsure, try a clip with a small bow on it. (available from claires accessories and h and m) Don't listen to anyone else, if you like it you wear it.

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